How to: book a delivery with GoVIP or GoSAMEDAY

5 min. readlast update: 06.05.2024

GoPeople has three services for Senders to choose from when you're booking a delivery with us.

Depending on your urgency and the location of you and your recipient, your service availability might change.

This article will explain booking a single delivery using GoVIP and GoSAMEDAY. How to book a delivery with GoBUNDLE is explained in another article.


Step 1

The Pick-up section will have your primary location automatically selected. If you want to add more stores, read this article on how to Manage Your Stores.

If you wish to change stores (if you have more than one), click on the 'Address Book' If you want to enter another pick-up address, click the 'Sending from another address?' link down the bottom.

We're going to choose our default store as our pick-up address.

Step 2

Step Two is very much like Step One, except you're entering the parcel's destination this time.

By default, the layout assumes you're going to enter a new address. However, if you have a regular destination saved, you can find it in the Address Book.

Two things to note here. Make sure you enter the address correctly. This is very important. This includes choosing the correct 'Address Type', as schools and businesses close between 3-6 pm.

Secondly, take note of the contact inputs. If your recipient wants to be notified of their delivery progress, we will let us know how to contact them.

Step 3

After that, enter information about the parcel you're sending as best you can. In this example, we're just going to send one lot of flowers.

You can also leave additional delivery instructions on this page, such as "Leave the delivery in the red box".

In this step, make sure you select the right amount of items. This is very important for when Runners have to pick up, as the amount of items they pick up has to equal the amount entered.

Step 4

You'll move to the 'Time' subpage when that's all done. Here you can choose when you want your parcel delivered. In this example, we've chosen 4:30 pm.

Step 5

Now we move to the Pay screen. This is the final check - if you'd like to change anything about the delivery, click the 'Edit' buttons highlighted below.

Step 6

Well done, you've successfully booked a job! Take note of the tracking number - enter that number on our tracking page if you want to receive regular updates on the whereabouts of your delivery (or deliveries)!

If you want to edit or delete any jobs you've booked, read the How To: Edit Jobs After You've Booked Them Knowledge Base article.

Also, while GoPeople is happy to deliver any parcel, there are a few things we can't deliver. Sorry, we can't take your radioactive waste. To find out more, read the Dangerous and Hazardous Goods article.


Step 1

The Pick-up section will have your primary location automatically selected. If you'd like to add more stores, read this article on how to Manage Your Stores.

If you wish to change stores (if you have more than one), click on the 'Address Book' If you want to enter another pick-up address, click the 'Sending from another address?' link down the bottom.

We're going to choose our default store as our pick-up address.

Step 2

Step Two is very much like Step One, except you're entering the parcel's destination this time.

By default, the layout assumes you're going to enter a new address. However, if you have a regular destination saved, you can find it in the Address Book.

Two things to note here. Make sure you enter the address correctly. This is very, very important. This includes choosing the correct 'Address Type', as schools and businesses close between 3-6pm.

Secondly, take note of the contact inputs. If your recipient wants to be notified of their delivery progress, we will let us know how to contact them.

Step 3

After that, enter information about the parcel you're sending as best you can. In this example, we're just going to send one lot of flowers.

You can also leave additional delivery instructions on this page, such as "Leave the delivery in the red box".

In this step, make sure you select the right amount of items. This is very important for when Runners have to pick up, as the amount of items they pick up has to equal the amount entered.

Step 4

Next, we move to the 'Time' page. Here you can choose your pick-up time. On weekdays, there are four timeslots - 10 am, 11 am, 12 pm and 1 pm. On Saturdays, there's only one (11 am).

If you're booking your delivery after such a time, the next timeslot will be available.

However, you can book deliveries using our GoVIP service if you've missed the cut-off. GoVIP has no cut-off, as it is our premium, on-demand service.

For this article, we're going to select the next available timeslot.

Here's a more detailed look at the different cut-off times available:

Step 5

Now we move to the Pay screen. This is the final check - if you'd like to change anything about the delivery, click the 'Edit' buttons highlighted below.

Step 6

Well done, you've successfully booked a job! Take note of the tracking number - enter that number on our tracking page if you want to receive regular updates on the whereabouts of your delivery (or deliveries)!

If you want to edit or delete any jobs you've booked, read the How To: Edit Jobs After You've Booked Them Knowledge Base article.

Also, while GoPeople is happy to deliver any parcel, there are a few things we can't deliver. Sorry, we can't take your radioactive waste. To find out more, read the Dangerous and Hazardous Goods article.

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