If you use BYO drivers to make deliveries, here is how to quickly calculate their payments.
Create a payment rule
Go to Settings -> GoBUNDLE BYO payment rules

You can choose to use one single rate or multiple rates. When a rate is set to $0, it will not be considered for calculation.
e.g. If you would like to pay your driver by items only, you can enter the item rate and leave the other fields blank.
You can also set up multiple rules.

Set up the payment rule for a driver
Go to "BYO drivers" from the left navigation, and choose the driver that you wish to set the rule. On the popup, you can select the driver payment rule. The default payment rule will automatically be applied if the driver does not have any payment rule.

Generate payment reports
On the top of the BYO drivers page. Click the "Download BYO drivers report" button.

Select a date range.

A report in spreadsheet format will be generated.