How to GoBUNDLE: [New] Distance Levy

2 min. readlast update: 11.09.2023

From 1st May 2023, the below new distance levy has replaced the old long distance levy and the out of metro levy. We have combined the two levies into one simplified levy, which we believe will be fairer to both Senders and Runners.

Here is how it works:

Distance allowance

Firstly, within the calculated EWT of a run or the minimum timeframe duration (whichever is higher), it has an included distance allowance. It starts from 55km on a 3 hour minimum timeframe duration with a 0.1667km every minute incremental (i.e. 10km per hour). Distance allowance is calculated by minutes. The below table explains it in more detail.


Exceeded distance levy

There will be no additional charges if the estimated driving distance is less than the distance allowance. If the estimated driving distance is more than the allowance, the additional charges will be calculated as per the table below:


Example 1:

Run EWT: 3 hours 25 mins

Run distance: 72 km


Distance allowance: 55 km + (25 mins * 0.1667km/min) = 59.17 km.

Exceeded distance: 72 km - 59.17 km = 12.83 km.

Distance levy: 12.83 * $0.70 / km = $8.98 (ex GST)

Example 2:

Run EWT: 3 hours 45 mins

Run distance: 98 km


Distance allowance: 55 km + (45 mins * 0.1667km/min) = 62.50 km.

Exceeded Distance: 98 km - 62.50 km = 35.5 km.

Distance levy = (25 km * $0.70 / km) + ((35.5 km - 25 km) * 0.80 / km) = $25.90 (ex GST)

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