Presently, we require an Excel file for the jobs to be uploaded. While Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and Apple Numbers are all spreadsheet programs, they're not so great at communicating with each other.
So, how do we fix this? Easy! We'll go through the options you have, program by program.
Google Sheets
If you use Google Sheets (link), it's super easy to save your spreadsheet as an Excel file (If you haven't made a Google account, you can easily create one).
Download and save your file as a "Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)" file. You can then use that file when uploading to the GoPeople system.

Apple Numbers
If you use Apple Numbers, saving your spreadsheet as an Excel file is easy. You just have to ensure you don't save your spreadsheet as the default option (an Apple file, not an Excel file).
Instead of pressing 'Save' in the File menu, scroll down to 'Export To' and choose 'Excel'. Like so:

You can then use that file when uploading to the GoPeople system.
I Have Microsoft Excel, But It's An Old Version
There's a slight difference between new and old versions of Microsoft Excel. The default file type (that is, the three or four letters at the end of a computer file, like .mp3 or .png) for old versions is .xls, whereas, for new versions, it's .xlsx
Why there is a difference isn't important; all that is important is that there is a difference.
Below is a screenshot from a recent version of Excel; if you can't see the top option (highlighted by the big red arrow), you probably have an old version.

If you can only see .xls, to get it to .xlsx, this is what you have to do:
- Save your spreadsheet as a .xls;
- Upload your .xls file to a new file in Google Sheets;
- Re-save your new Google Sheets file as a .xlsx (refer to steps above);
That's all you have to do! You can then use that file when uploading to the GoPeople system.