How to GoBUNDLE: book recurring timeframes with GoBUNDLE

1 min. readlast update: 09.02.2024

If you frequently book GoBUNDLE services at the same times each week, you can save those timeframes as templates. This allows you to easily replicate the bookings for future use.

Create a Template

  1. Navigate to GoBUNDLE Templates: Go to Settings > GoBUNDLE Templates.

  2. Select Your Dispatch Location: Choose the dispatch location from where your bookings are usually made.

  3. Save a Week of Timeframes: Select a previously booked week with your preferred timeframes and save it as a template. You can create multiple templates for different purposes.

Use a Template

  1. Select a Template: From the template list, find the one you want to use and click the Use this template button.

  2. Choose the Desired Week: Select the week in which you want to apply the template.

  3. Book the Timeframes: Click the Book button to confirm. If necessary, adjust the number of Runners for each timeframe to customize the bookings for that particular week.

This process simplifies recurring bookings, ensuring consistency and saving time when scheduling regular GoBUNDLE services.

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