From time to time, you may be asked by the Sender to sort their goods into different runs for them. If you are requested to do so, there is a feature on your Runner's App to help you do so. Make sure you have the latest version of the App.
Firstly, log into your Runner app. Go to My Jobs -> Runs and find the Run that you performing.

Click into the Run details page and click on the "Actions..." button. and enter the sorting page. If you cannot see the "Sorting" button, you may not have the latest App.

This will take you to the Sorting page. You can now start scanning the barcode on the goods, or enter the barcode in the search box if the label is not scannable. It will return you with the run number as well as the run sequence. E.g. In the screenshot below, it means the item belongs to Run 102, and it’s the 5th sequence in the Run.

Once sorting is complete, you can click the "Report" icon on the top right corner to check the reports.