Runners must take a photo as Proof of Delivery (POD) if the recipient isn't present and the parcel has yet to be claimed by anyone else.
If instructed to take these photos, they must be good enough for GoPeople. GoPeople uses them to prove to Senders and Recipients that the parcel has been successfully delivered.
Here's a quick guide to help you understand when to take a photo and how to take a picture.
How To: Take A Photo For POD
First, please take care when photographing a Recipient's residence or workplace. These photos contain sensitive and personal information of the Recipient and certainly. DO NOT take a picture with the recipient or the Recipient's face.
Up to 3 photos are required as proof of delivery.
- A photo with the package showing the label (Readable), confirming that you are delivering the correct item.
- A photo with the address's house/door/street number confirms that you are at the correct location.
- If the package has ATL - a photo with the item showing where you left it, it confirms that it is a safe place to go.
Some examples of well-taken photos:

Here is the YouTube link shows how to drop off a job: