Is an ABN compulsory to be a Runner?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

All our Runners are independent contractors. This is why we ask for your ABN information.

If you don’t already have an ABN, you may be able to apply for one. The ATO will determine the eligibility for your entitlement to an ABN, and their guidelines must be strictly followed.

Before you apply, please make sure you understand all your tax obligations and get advice from your accountant.

You need to go on the Australian Business Register website, click on the ‘Apply for an ABN’ button and then fill in the required information.

When you fill in the Application, click on the question mark on the right-hand side if anything needs to be clarified.

For example, if you click on the question mark for the ‘What is the nature of your activity?’ question will explain what to do. 

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