Go People Mates is a place where Runners can help each other. Runners within the same Mates group can transfer Runs to each other.
It will be beneficial if you cannot attend a booked timeframe due to personal issues. Instead of cancelling it, you can transfer the Run to someone in the same Mates group.
Each Runner can only belong to one Mates group. To start a Mates group, you must finish at least 10 Runs. To join a Mates group, you must complete at least 1 Run.

Here is how to start a Mates group.

Once a new Mates group is created, you can invite other Runners by their mobile numbers or email addresses. You can also give the Runners owner permission to help you manage the Mates group.

Once invited, the invited Runner will receive an invitation notification on the App. They can choose to accept or decline.